Laboratory for Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry & Astrochemistry

Fields of investigations  

About laboratory
Our Projects
Fields of investigations
Web Design: Budimir S. Ilić-Research Assistant

Since 1977. the Laboratory for Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry & Astrochemistry focused its research efforts on the following projects:

a) trace metals in sedimentary rocks (including fossil fuels and soils) and groundwaters
b) thermochemical study of asteroid and cometary impacts into ocean
c) geochemical study of petroleums and petroleum source rocks;
d) aqueous chemistry of titanium (III) ions;
e) chemistry of the cigarette smoke;
f) solid organic (polymer) electrolytes and explosives;
g) drink beverages derived from coffee extract: the cappuccino and frape types;
h) glues.

The projects from a-c were supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Serbia, le Ministere francais de l`Education National, de l`Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche.

From the year 2000 the Laboratory will focus its research effort toward environmental geochemistry and hidrogeochemistry, and our future research will be partly supported through the project PAST-ECO which is funded by the French Government. This project is closely related to Environmental Hydrogeochemistry. The Laboratory for Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry & Astrochemistry is also working on a joint municipal solid waste management project, funded by the local Niš municipal Government, G17 PLUS Association, and a NGO Center for Public Health and Living Environment BeauGreen, Nis



© 2010 Laboratory for Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry & Astrochemistry, University of Niš