Address of author`s institution (bolditalic lower case, font size 12)
address of author (italic lower case, font size 12)
which should not exceed 100 words (font size 10)
the anstract, please specify up to six key words (font size 10)
next part should contain the manuscript preferably divided into Introduction,
Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgements, References
and Summary. (font size 12)
should be given alphabetically in the following manner:
Browicz, K. (1968): Genus Cotoneaster Medicus. In: Flora Europaea, 2: 72-73 (eds. T. G. Tutin
et. al.). Cambridge University Press.
K. E., Hylmo, B. (1966): A List of Series and Species in
the Genus Cotoneaster. Botaniska Notiser 119
(3): 445-463. Lund.
Witasek, J. 1902: Ein Beitrag zur
Kenntnis der Gattung Campanula. Abh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1
the text, references should be given as: Witasec (1902) or (Witasec, 1902).
When a citation includes more then two authors, e.g. Vassileva, Gussev,
Dimitrov, the paper should be cited in the text as Vassileva et al. (2002)
or (Vassileva et al. 2002). Arange names of authors shronologically in text,
e.g. (Witasek, 1902, Browicz, 1968, Vassileva et al., 2002).
(drawings, photographs and graphs) should be submited in tif (or jpeg
with high resolution) format, separately from the text, and in original
should be numbered in arabic numerals, typed on separate sheets, and
should have a title which will make the meaning clear without reference to
the text.