Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Muenchen Fakultat fuer Physik - Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Julius Wess, Theresienstrasse 37- 80333 Muenchen To whom it may concern Class for students with special abilities in Natural Sciences in Nis, Serbien and Montenegro With this letter I would like to express my support for the project of the university of Nis and the grammar school "9th of May" to found a class for for students with special abilities in Natural Sciences. In the countries of former Yugoslavia, classes for students with special abiliies have a long and successful tradition. Especially in mathematical special classes, this concept has been very successful for a long time to bring gifted pupils close to a corresponding university study. However, this concept has deteriorated in its qualitative execution similar to the teaching at general schools. Today three fundamental problems characterize the teaching at schools in Serbia and Montenegro (similarly in other Balkan countries): -Obsolete equipment (lack of demonstration and exercise laboratories, lack of PCs) -Obsolete education concepts (ex-cathedra teaching, lack of problem-solving competence) -Minimal motivation of the teachers (unsufficient payroll, parallel jobs) The result of this situation is a very sm all number of students in the natural sciences and engineering sciences at the university. The improvement of the education system country-wide, especially in material intensive subjects such as natural sciences, is unforeseeable today. Therefore colleagues from the department for Physics of the university of Nis have drafted a project to establish a model class for students with special abilities (22 students per year). The goal of this project is to offer a high-qualitiy education to give them a perspective for continuing with qualitiative education and to convey initiative and enthusiasm. This goal is to be reached by the following measures: -Focus on the natural science subjects (cf. the attached syllabus), concentrating mainly on physics -Provision of fundamental laboratory equipment and PCs (virtual experiments and Internet access) -Close collaboration iwth the university (Host teaching by docents and project guests, mentors from the university) -Continuous measurement of education success against reference classes -Close collaboration with similar projects in EU and Eastern Europe -More intensive language teaching in English ^M^MThe decisive hurdles for establishing such a model class have been taken, especially the approval by the Serbian minister for education. Financial support has been indicated in a concrete way by means of the World Bank, local authorities in Nis and private sponsors from Serbia. An application for financing the reforming the syllabi and the teaching aids (new books) is drafted to be handed in at UNESCO (ROSTE). During recent years I have collaborated successfully in several project with colleagues from the university of Nis (e.g. two summerschools in mathematical physics). Persistently, I have made very good experiences concerning their motivation and professionalsm. Therefore I am confident that this new initiative will show ist expected success and will support it according to my possibilitis. I would like to ask you to examine the attached material and to support this project accordingly, either in a direct way or by brokering useful contacts. Prof. Dr. Julius Wess